Samit Koyom

Hi, I am Soontorn

I built Nuxt 3 Blog, for Learning.
In my free time code something for hobby.

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The Dark Truth About Baby Cereal

The Dark Truth About Baby Cereal

<p>Baby cereal was first introduced in the 1930s, which was when a monumental shift occurred away from real foods towards processed convenience foods. Previously known as pablum, mothers were advised to mix it into a bottle with breast milk for babies as young as six weeks old. Then when baby was around 3 or 4 [&hellip;]</p>

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6 Months Old Baby Food Ideas

6 Months Old Baby Food Ideas

<p>Congratulations, your baby has hit the half-year milestone. In the first six months, she has gained all the nutrients from breast milk. It is now time for your baby to start tasting solids and relish them. Nutrient Requirements of a 6-Month-Old Infant Here are the nutritional components that 6-month-old baby food should have: Calcium: Calcium [&hellip;]</p>

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Best Baby Games: Birth to 18 Months

Best Baby Games: Birth to 18 Months

<p>Never Too Young for Fun Something about the stuffed animal we dubbed “crinkle puppy” for its crinkly sound when squeezed left my daughter Emma, 3 months at the time, smiling each time I placed it in front of her. Maybe it was the contrasting colors that held Emma’s attention. It could have been the way [&hellip;]</p>

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Baby shower games

Baby shower games

<p>Get everyone involved with a coed shower Mix things up by inviting the guys, then try out one of these gender-neutral contests. He said she said:&nbsp;Put the spotlight on the parents-to-be by typing up a list of the funniest, most surprising things you’ve heard mom and dad say (paraphrasing permitted) and asking everyone to guess who [&hellip;]</p>

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Crying and Colic: What You Need to Know

Crying and Colic: What You Need to Know

<p>It’s your infant’s natural way to communicate, but you can lessen unnecessary tears. Most newborns&nbsp;fuss and cry for about an hour and a half each day— typically because they’re tired, hungry, or under- or overstimulated. However, some infants cry for more than three hours a day and are much harder to soothe. Persistent crying has [&hellip;]</p>

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Baby’s Skin Healthy

Baby’s Skin Healthy

<p>When our children enter this world, we are armed with equipment that took much care and consideration to select. The same care and consideration needs to be taken for your child’s skincare products,” says Su-Marie Annandale, Krayons’ brand manager Expect Bumps, Spots, and Rashes There’s nothing quite like the soft, delicate skin of a baby. [&hellip;]</p>

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Easy Tips for Grooming Your Newborn

Easy Tips for Grooming Your Newborn

<p>Grooming a newborn can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for first-time parents.&nbsp; From caring for the umbilical cord to trimming tiny nails, parents have a lot to learn when it comes to keeping their little ones “baby fresh.”&nbsp; Liz Drake, a clinical nurse specialist in the neonatal intensive care unit at CHOC Children’s at Mission [&hellip;]</p>

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Early Childhood Hygiene Continued

Early Childhood Hygiene Continued

<p>Caregivers may be tempted to do bath time scrubbing for their children in order to speed up the process. However, this is not necessarily a good idea in the long run, as kids need to learn for themselves how to thoroughly clean their own body parts. Instead of doing the work for children, caregivers can [&hellip;]</p>

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How to Give Your Newborn Baby a Bath

How to Give Your Newborn Baby a Bath

<p>Until baby starts getting down and dirty on the ground, a daily bath isn’t needed. In fact, your newborn baby will only really need a bath two or three times a week — at first a sponge bath, until his umbilical cord stump heals (about one to four weeks after birth), then a baby tub [&hellip;]</p>

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Parenting behaviours even the best parents need to stop

Parenting behaviours even the best parents need to stop

<p>As a parenting educator for more than 25 years, I’ve had many opportunities to observe and listen to parents in action. During this time I’ve learned some valuable lessons about raising children and managing families. Usually, my advice is positive in that I try to focus on what you should being doing as a parent. [&hellip;]</p>

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Developing leadership skills at home

Developing leadership skills at home

<p>It’s difficult preparing children for the world of work as the future is so uncertain. However, the ability to lead others is one attribute that will always be in demand regardless of whether your child works for a large employer, in small business, community work, is self-employed or engages in project work. The need for [&hellip;]</p>

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Transform your parenting with birth order knowledge

Transform your parenting with birth order knowledge

<p>How can two or three children in the same family be so different? They are brought up in the same broad social environment, under a similar set of rules and an identical family value system. Even with a same genetic pool, they can still be so different in personality, interests and achievement. It is useful [&hellip;]</p>

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Resistance words to avoid when talking to kids

Resistance words to avoid when talking to kids

<p>Our choice of words when communicating with kids makes a huge difference when trying to get their co-operation. The more we push a child who is resistant, the more likely they are to push back and display greater opposition. Sometimes one word can cause a child to fold their arms and thrust out their jaw [&hellip;]</p>

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Pick your battles wisely

Pick your battles wisely

<p>Three-year-old Sam was tired and cranky. He refused his mother’s request to put his plate in the sink after a snack. Elsa, Sam’s mother, who was usually quite firm didn’t insist that her son comply. She knew that when her son got into ‘one of those moods’ it was best to leave him alone. “You’ve [&hellip;]</p>

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How to Prevent Meningitis in Babies &#038; Building Immunity

How to Prevent Meningitis in Babies &#038; Building Immunity

<p>Meningitis is a condition that causes inflammation in the meninges, which protect the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is one of those diseases which are relatively rare but can become fatal quickly and can severely affect the quality of life for the surviving patient. Babies under 2 months of age are at greater risk of [&hellip;]</p>

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Who I am one year on from having a baby

Who I am one year on from having a baby

<p>The first year of being a mum was completely different to how I ever imagined it. It is a complete rollercoaster of emotions that nobody fully prepares you for, but I would not change it for the world. The first year of being a mum… When Reuben was born, I was with his dad and [&hellip;]</p>

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Family-Friendly Tips on Staying Active During Quarantine

Family-Friendly Tips on Staying Active During Quarantine

<p>We all know that exercise is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Regular physical activity lowers blood pressure, helps you maintain a healthy weight, lowers cholesterol, boosts energy, and improves sleep. But exercise is also a great way to reduce any COVID-19 related stress and anxiety. One could also argue that regular exercise is especially [&hellip;]</p>

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Getting to Know the Three Phases of Breast Milk

Getting to Know the Three Phases of Breast Milk

<p>Your body is amazing. Not only did it grow and birth a human, but it is also capable of exclusively nourishing that human through the first six months of their life. Did you know that as your baby grows and changes, your breast milk grows and changes, too? Yup, that’s right. Your body knows exactly [&hellip;]</p>

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Why you should take meningococcal meningitis seriously?

Why you should take meningococcal meningitis seriously?

<p>As we celebrate World Meningitis Day this month, let me take some time and tell you a personal story and why you should take this name seriously. About five years ago, when I had just got married and not even planning for a child, an untimely death occurred in my husband’s family. All that I [&hellip;]</p>

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Newborn Care Basics: Breastfeeding Basics

Newborn Care Basics: Breastfeeding Basics

<p>Feeding baby is the most critical of newborn basics. Many mothers choose to breastfeed for a variety of reasons, and breastfeeding can be one of the most wonderful initial experiences for mother and baby. It can, however, take work to establish a successful breastfeeding practice. Here are a few breastfeeding basics suggestions to guide you [&hellip;]</p>

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